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FGA001 Old Post office 001_edits_crop_LR.jpg

The house is situated within the Green Belt and beautiful Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has already been extended in the past, which made the route to gaining planning permission more complex, due to local policy requirements. 


The client approached Fox-Groves Architecture to improve the internal layout across ground and first floors, along with the replacement of an existing detached garage to provide a new kitchen extension. The replacement extension takes cues from agricultural buildings in the area - which have simple forms, timber cladding and metal roofs - and is intended to appear separate and subservient to the main house. A low-level link connects the extension with the main house.


Planning Permission was granted in June 2023 following the Case Officer's acceptance of our case for 'Very Special Circumstances'.

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165_3D Overview Proposed front sketch_edit_1080w.jpg

" Michael is an Architect who listens to what you are actually saying. He is creative and really approachable, plus he progresses things very efficiently.


We were worried about getting things through Sevenoaks Planning - but, by George, he did it!

We couldn't recommend him more. 11/10 "

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